Decreeing God’s Word

 Decreeing God’s Word A prophetic decree is not Prophecy— A prophetic word has life giving power. It releases faith in the person it is spoken over!  A prophetic decree goes beyond a prophetic word.  It is a word straight from heaven or something that is mandatory in the natural or…

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Identity Thoughts

Identity Thoughts As a new man in Christ….We no longer have a Sin Nature. What?!! you say…We are reborn, brand new in our Father’s eyes. Clean, no sin, by the Blood of Jesus. What we have are Sinful Habits. So, this being the truth about the life we live..Why would…

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Bricks of Glory

1Peter 2:5 And you are living stones that God is building into His spiritual temple. What’s more, you are His holy priests. Through meditation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. As we join together with the body of Christ praying and praising the creator of all…

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