Good Vibrations…

May your sound reverberate in me…Abba Guest Post

God in the Garden

Mike Parsons – 

sunset-50494_640 Good Vibrations...There is a frequency of sound that is being released from heaven today: God’s voice. John 10:27 says, My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.’How many of you are hearing God’s voice? God wants you to hear his voice, not just in big meetings or when someone’s speaking or when you are reading the Bible, He wants you to hear his voice all the time.

He is speaking all the time: that voice is coming out of heaven and it is the voice of revival, the voice of God calling his people to himself. Look at Ps 42:7, Deep calls to deep at the sound of your waterfalls. That sound from heaven is like a waterfall. It contains all the frequencies of sound. You need frequencies which flow; you need something to move you. Low frequencies vibrate and you can feel them go through you. It is possible to move a house off its foundations using low frequency sound, and that is nothing compared to the sound of God’s voice. God’s voice is powerful, he wants to release his voice so that we can hear it. We looked at this before in Rev 1:15-16: His voice was like the sound of many waters… out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength.

God’s voice can sometimes be a voice of love. He comes to woo us, as we sing, drawing us close, letting his love surround us. When we have got to that place where we know the love of God, sometimes the sound of God’s voice changes and he comes to declare the truth.

The sound of revival is about a visitation of God.

Why is God coming the way he is coming in this revival? The answer is, because we are not doing what we should be doing. That is the bottom line. If we were manifesting the presence of God, the Spirit of God and the power of God that is in us, he wouldn’t need to come like that. When we come together, are we coming to receive, or are we coming to release? God wants us so connected with his presence on the inside of us, which is connected to heaven, that it is releasing the sound of heaven through us. ‘On earth as it is in heaven’: the sound of heaven, the light of heaven, the power of heaven would be released through us.

Over the years we know the church has become traditional and institutional and has stopped doing the things they did in the New Testament times. We have looked at how the church spiralled down and went into darkness in the Dark Ages, and how God has been restoring the church ever since, bringing it back to its intended glory, not just the glory of the former house, the New Testament church, but the glory of the latter house, the end-time church that is going to usher in Jesus’ return. And that church is going to be far more glorious; but who is the church? We are. So who is going to be far more glorious? I said last time that Adam was glorious in the Garden of Eden. We sing a song Nigel wrote about wanting to walk with God in the Garden of Eden; I could preach a whole message on the Garden of Eden but let me just pursue this a moment, I will try not to get too far off track…

The Garden of Eden was not the garden of God. Read it carefully and you will see the garden of God was in Eden, and he planted a garden east of Eden, and it was watered from the garden of God. The River of Life flowed from the garden of God into the Garden of Eden, then it came out in four streams that filled the earth. The Tree of Life was present there and if Adam had eaten of the Tree of Life, his destiny would have been fully revealed to him. We can now eat from the Tree of Life, but not on earth, because the Garden of God went back into heaven when Adam sinned. The River of Life went back into heaven. The Tree of Life went back into heaven. When it was on earth, heaven and earth overlapped and everything from heaven was flowing freely to earth. So God was able to walk with Adam in the cool of the day. He was walking in that place of intimacy and relationship. God breathed the eternal essence of his Spirit into man and he became a living soul, so we are spirit beings first and foremost – and Adam’s spirit was on the outside. He didn’t look the way we do now, he did have a body, but the glory of God clothed him on the outside. He shone. God is going to restore that.

God does not want to restore us to the purpose of the New Testament church, he wants to take us back to Adam and Eve. They were given a mandate to bring heaven to earth, to manifest heaven on earth, and they walked in intimacy with God and had a relationship with God which was way beyond what most of us have experienced. We are just beginning to experience that too, and God is going to restore it more and more.

God is shouting right now, he is calling HIS church. It belongs to him, it doesn’t belong to us. He sent his Son to die for the church, to establish it. God is calling to his church, he is coming to his church in this visitation, to prepare us. He wants our full attention fixed on Him. He doesn’t want us to be distracted, looking at the signs and wonders, only that they point to him. He doesn’t want us to be looking at the miracles and the healings, only that they point to him. Everything needs to point to him. When we fix our eyes upon him, we are we going to become like him. We will become like the one we behold, transformed from one degree of glory to another, one degree of being like him to another increased measure of being like him, being like the Son.

Our God is Good; He wants to engage with you.

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