How’s Your Heart?

Obeying How's Your Heart?

How’s Your Heart

Submission is obedience with the right heart attitude.

In Genesis 2:15-17 God sets rules for Adam to obey. Well, we all know what happens… he doesn’t obey! (How much we are like our human fore-father).

Go to the end of the Bible in Revelation 14:12 and 22:14… there are rewards for obedience!

Andrew Murray states it like this in “The School of Obedience”:

“From beginning to end, paradise lost to paradise gained the law is unchangeable…it is only obedience that gives access to the Tree of Life and the favor of God.”

I thank God for “The Cross”!!! He loves His children and made a way for joy and a happy ending. Romans 5:19, Through the obedience of the One many shall be made righteous.

Teaching obedience to children can be a challenge for any parent. Making children do what you say, “just because”….is harmful to the child and parent in the long run. How can you teach a right heart attitude to your kids? Do you have a right heart attitude toward authority in your life as an adult?

Obeying without a happy heart is sassy and nasty on the inside. Is that pleasing to God? Teaching kids to recognize the inside motivation is critical to their success in life. Each child (adult) is different. God has envisioned and created each of us with a unique pattern all our own. Finding the unique key to open a child’s heart can take time but, with prayer and Holy Spirit’s guidance, you will open that treasure.

Recommended Reading:
John Rosemond, M.S.– Six Point Plan to Happy Healthy Children
Dr. James Dobson– Dare to Dicipline

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Obeying How's Your Heart?

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