Star of David

   Have you ever just looked at the Star of David?  I’ve looked at it for years.  I know it is on the flag of Israel. I know it was given by God.  But, what does it mean? It is a symbol.  A symbol of God’s people. Then one day…

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Good Vibrations…

May your sound reverberate in me…Abba Guest Post God in the Garden Mike Parsons –  There is a frequency of sound that is being released from heaven today: God’s voice. John 10:27 says, My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.’How many of you are hearing God’s voice?…

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Gardens of the Heart

Gardens of The Heart   How does your garden grow?…Our Father above plants seeds in our heart.  They are watered with the Word applied in our life. The growth is revealed in our actions. James says to be doers of the Word, not just hearers.(James 1:22)  That the Word will…

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Abba Prayer Father my Abba how great is your love, Oh Father my abba it’s straight from above. You pour out your Spirit on those who receive, Oh Father my Abba your love is for me. ‘Great is your faithfulness, morning to morning new mercies I see.’ You lead me…

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