Decreeing God’s Word
It begins in heaven.
“Who speaks and it comes to pass unless the Lord has decreed it?” Lamentations 3:37 (TLV)
Decreeing God’s Word
Here are some examples:
Praise the Eternal! Praise the true God inside His temple. Praise Him beneath the skies, under the moonlit stars & rising sun. Praise Him for His powerful acts, redeeming His people. Praise Him for His greatness the surpasses our time & understanding..Psalm 150
Praise Him with singing & dancing. Praise Him with flutes & strings of all kinds! Praise Him with crashing cymbals, loud crashing cymbals. No one should be left out; Let every man & every beast-Let every creature that has breath Praise the eternal! Praise the Eternal Elohim!..Psalm 150
I praise you because I am fearfully & wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful & my soul know it very well. Psalm 139
Let your righteousness be revealed in my life..Isaiah 56:1
Let me receive visions & revelations of the Lord..2 Corinthians 12:1
Let me receive an abundance of revelations 2 Corinthians 12:7
Let me be a good steward of your revelation..1 Corinthians 4:1
Let me speak the mystery of Christ …Colossians 4:3
Let me make known the mystery of the gospel..Ephesians 6:19
Let me receive & understand your hidden wisdom 1 Corinthians 2:7
Let me speak to others by revelations..1corinthians 14:6
Reveal your secrets to your servants the prophets..Amos 3:7
Let the hidden things be made manifest…Mark4:22
Let me know and Understand the mysteries of the Kingdom..Mark 4:11
Let me understand heavenly things…John 3:12
Give me the Spirit of Wisdom & Revelation and let the eyes of my understanding be enlightened…Ephesians 1:17
You are a God that reveals secrets. Lord, reveal you secrets unto me ..Daniel 2:28
Lord, lighten my candle and enlighten my darkness..Psalm 18:28
Give me the treasures of darkness and hidden riches in secret places…Isaiah 45:3
Let your candle shine upon my head ..Job 29:3
My spirit is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly..Proverbs 20:27
Let me understand the deep things of God..1Corinthians 2:10
Let my eyes be enlightened with your word..Psalm 19:8
Let all spiritual cataracts and scales be removed from my eyes..Acts 9:18
Let me comprehend with all saints what is the breadth & length & depth & height of your love, oh God, my Father..Ephesians 3:18
Let your glory be revealed in my life..Isaiah 40:5
Let your Word be revealed unto me..1 Samuel 3:7
Reveal the things that belong to me ..Deut. 29:29
Let your glory be revealed in my life..Isaiah 40:5
Let me grow in the Grace and in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ..2 Peter 3:18
Let me increase in wisdom and stature..71:21
Let the Word of God increase in my life..Acts 6:7
Let me increase and abound in love..1 Thessalonians 3:12
Enlarge my heart so I can run the way of your commandments..Psalm 119:32
Let my tithes and giving increase…Deut.14:22
Let my dreams instruct me in the night season, and let me awaken with understanding & revelation..Psalm 16:7
I ask for the floodgates of heaven to be opened over my life..Malicah 3:10
Let the heavens drop dew upon my life..Duet 33:28
I ask for angels to be released to war against any spirit in the heavens assigned to block my prayers from being answered..Daniel 10:12-13
The breaker is gone up before me and broken through every limitation and barrier of the enemy..Michal 2:13