Gardens of the Heart

Gardens of The Heart

flower_image Gardens of the Heart


How does your garden grow?…Our Father above plants seeds in our heart.  They are watered with the Word applied in our life. The growth is revealed in our actions. James says to be doers of the Word, not just hearers.(James 1:22)  That the Word will grow to fullness. The more growth, the fuller we become with God’s truth.

The overflow of that Truth will flow onto others as God’s love for them. Not full of ourselves.  Our hearts blossom with love of Jesus first.  Then the overflow goes to those around us.  What are your motives for serving? Just because you want to please? Others, yourself, God?  Oh God, may our motives be pure before you, not self serving in some hidden way…hidden from ourselves or hidden from others.  Reveal yourself to us today El Shaddai–” The God Almighty, The Double Breasted One ..the only self-sufficient One.




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